Beyond Design Thinking

May 2, 2015

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During Parsons Festival at Wanted Design
by MS Strategic Design and Management Program


May 16, 2015
                                May 9-16, 2015
Industry City                                    Industry City
220 36th Street,                              220 36th Street,
3rd floor, Brooklyn                        3rd floor, Brooklyn


In a complex global economy, leaders must be creative, adaptive and have a capacity for continuous innovation. All along the value chain, design thinking methods can be applied to problem solving to deliver more effective, transformational and innovative solutions that can directly impact a business in meaningful ways. We call the combination of design thinking and business logic Design Intelligence.

The Beyond Design Thinking event will feature a workshop on trend forecasting, followed by a panel discussion on Design Intelligence. The event will conclude with cocktails and a presentation of a diverse selection of projects by graduate students in Parsons’ MS Strategic Design and Management program.



Register Now for Event and Workshop:



SATURDAY 5/16/2015
12:00 PM – 6:00 PM

12:00 – 2:00 Workshop (light lunch)
Workshop led by MS SDM students exploring the trends that will shape the world over the coming ten years, focusing on four industries: Fashion, Food, Furniture and Travel.

2:00 – 3:00 Panel Discussion
What does design thinking mean for organizations, and how can it help to bring actual value to business and customers alike?

3:00 – 4:00 Pecha Kucha
Diverse selection of projects by students presented in Pecha Kucha-style sprints.

4:00 – 6:00 Networking Event
A chance to meet MS SDM students, faculty, friends and family for conversation and networking.


For any press questions, please contact:
Rhea Alexander:
Phone: +1 917-561-2699
Sara Awada:


See you all there!


