Paper Pail by Nicole Rifai

February 23, 2018

Paper Pail by Nicole Rifai

MS Data Visualization
Data Visualization & Information Aesthetics

Nicole is a first year Ms Strategic Design and Management student taking advantage of the incredible programs offered at The New School that are outside her program. She’s auditing a Data Visualization & Information Aesthetics class, which provides a foundation for graphically representing information. Students learn how to make complex data easily understood through visual 2d display.

Nicole’s poster showcases the Chinese takeout container – created and patented by Frederick Weeks Wilcox in 1984. Though this image is representative of Chinese culture in America, the design is not from Chinese origins, but inspired by Japanese origami folds!

  • Uses just 1x piece of cardboard
  • Prevent leakage
  • Conterts into a dish
  • Easy to transport because of its wide handle