Fashion Regeneration Factory 2023

June 14, 2023

With almost two-thirds of clothing castoffs headed directly to the landfill, we will see shares of the second-hand industry move towards upcycling unwearable garments. International trade agreements allow the Global North to send unwanted clothes to the Global South, causing mountains of clothes to pile up in forgotten parts of the world.

The Fashion Regeneration Factory collects clothing to create personalized products to extend the textile lifecycle. Working with thrift stores, donation centers, and city waste management to collect excess clothing reduces the expense of shuttling clothes and provides a steady stream of garments at little cost. Mitigating the number of items sent to the Global South countries improves their economies and educates consumers that when they throw products away, away is a place, and what is classified as trash can be treasured once again.


Studio Instructor
Jesse Flores

Gavon Broomfield