Co-Spark: Co-creating employee growth for holistic wellbeing in the post pandemic workplace 2023

June 14, 2023

What is CoSpark?

CoSpark is a platform designed to revolutionize the way organizations approach employee growth and wellbeing in the post-pandemic hybrid workplace.

What is its purpose?

With our research we identified a critical opportunity in addressing the dynamic and personal needs of employees during times of transition at a workplace (for eg – New hires, promotions or personal life transitions such as a birth of a child)

The purpose of our project is to empower People Operations to create a positive employee experience that boosts retention, job satisfaction, and engagement. We recognized that traditional HR systems are rapidly becoming obsolete, lacking the ability to foster meaningful conversations and relationships between employees and leadership. CoSpark fills this gap by providing a co-creation platform, personalized development paths, visualized employee journeys, and community building features.

How does CoSpark achieve its purpose?

The main opportunity we address is the lack of employee engagement resulting from poor workplace wellbeing. Our competitors fall short by offering one-size-fits-all solutions that don’t prioritize personalization or provide incentives for employee engagement. 

Our solution recognizes the importance of personalization, allowing People Ops to tailor solutions to individual employee needs. This level of customization drives higher levels of engagement and job satisfaction.

CoSpark bridges this gap by empowering individuals to embark on their personal and professional growth journeys, liberating them from predefined roles and unlocking endless possibilities.

Impact of implementation of CoSpark

If implemented, CoSpark will have a transformative impact on organizations. Employees will feel valued, supported, and empowered not only in their professional growth but also in their personal development. This holistic approach to growth and wellbeing will lead to higher retention rates, increased job satisfaction, and improved overall organizational performance.


We believe that CoSpark is the gateway to humanizing the employee experience and creating a limitless path towards individual and collective success.


Studio Instructor
Putri Trisulo

Noopur Ambre
Anwesha Sengupta