Creative Economy: Transforming our Future

November 19, 2014

Making Meaning: Meaning(ful) Making

Our studios are spaces where design, science and business come together to inspire more successful problem-solving solutions, making purposeful, insightful and mindful invention.

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Why do we do it?

In a complex global economy, leaders must be creative, adaptive and have an innate capacity for innovation. That is where the design thinking toolkit comes in handy. In fact, all along the value chain, design thinking methods can be applied to problem solving to deliver more effective, transformational and innovative solutions that directly impact a business in meaningful ways.


How do we do it?

We start from the users perspective, use visualization and mapping tools, ethnography and pattern recognition inventing and imagining possibilities along the way. This iterative process allows us to entertain many possibilities and dream big, without the usual constraints, costs and customary trappings however never neglecting the ROI (return on investment). Instead, integrating it into the solution, from the jump, in a creative, inventive way.It’s a state of mind.


What did we do?

This semester, our studios embarked on journeys starting with building empathy and storytelling. We see the studios as laboratories where students harness the power of design thinking to break down complex problems, test new business models and disrupt old ones, to create opportunities that can transform our future.


The following presentations are featuring student work from the MS Strategic Design and Management program as part of the Parsons Festival 2014. Click on each  class presentation to see the projects display.

Class 2015 presentation

BARK 2014-1st Yr

Class 2014 presentation

BARK 2014-2nd year