ASPEN 2022

May 19, 2022

Team 1 – By Standing on Shoulder of Giants

This project is a 6 days sprint summit that allows companies who have performed the best practices to share their insights or experiences on how to grapple with the “worker voice gap” so that Aspen can collect the report from the summit to show to other companies who need help on closing worker voice gap

Team 2 – Mind the Gap

The Worker Voice Gap is a multi-pronged problem rooted in a lack of healthy mindsets, skills, robust structures, and organizational trust.

We, The Gamers, are attempting to address this challenge with an intervention: a game called “Mind The Gap”.
It is a digital board game that allows teams and groups to practice participatory decision-making so that they can learn how to see all workers as assets, not liabilities. Also, it will allow us to generate ideas on how to best mitigate Worker Voice Gaps.

The game needs 5 players and will last for around an hour while being hosted on video conferencing platforms like Zoom and collaborative platforms like Miro.

The players’ ultimate goal in the game would be to venture to the Antarctic with their crewmates. On the way, they will have to make decisions that will affect the probability of reaching their destination, or their crewmates’ well-being.

This game requires strategic thinking and problem-solving techniques which can translate to real-life solutions.

After the game, a retrospective will be held in order to assess what happened in-game, and understand how similar situations could pan out in their real life workplaces.

Team 3 – The Aspen Voicemaker Fellowship

The Worker Voice gap is a complex systemic problem that needs to be addressed by multiple stakeholders at many levels of the system. We realized that the future we want is quite different from the status quo in terms of mindsets, skills, and structures. This is a 6 week fellowship program that allows employees passionate about solving the worker voice gap at various levels to learn, create, and transform together so that the gap is narrowed collectively. (The fellowship suggests partnerships which are suggestive only with respect to the nature of work done.)

Studio Instructor

Brett Barndt

Team 1 Designer

E Ouyang

Team 2 Designers

Aditya Rao
Pam Roque
Vinay Pandurangappa

Team 3 Designers

Istem Akalp
Ido Lechner
Saniya Mittal
Ishaanee Pandey

  • Team 1

  • Team 2

  • Team 3