Taconomization: Taquerias for Sustainable Banking

June 6, 2022

How can taquerias become relevant actors in Sustainability and Banking?
In Mexico, there are more than 4.8 million informal businesses, this sector being the leading employer in the entire country and responsible for 23% of GDP.

The Challenge? To incorporate these businesses into the financial and social security system, offering a new business model that is disruptive, sustainable, and replicable.
Due to a lack of knowledge, the owners of these businesses never manage to grow their businesses or take them to the next level.

Taquerias are becoming obsolete to consumers as they are becoming aware of their consumption habits at a nutritional level, concerning sustainability and social justice.

How can we solve it?
Incorporating essential disciplines through a financial service focused on empowering the taqueria offering validated benefits to achieve a unique certificate, becoming a hallmark among other local restaurants



José Pablo


Ishaanee Pandey