Transdisciplinary Design


This Stuff’s Made In New York City!!!

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Many people make restaurant decisions based on the availability of locally-grown produce or choose drinks on the lack of high-fructose corn syrup but give considerably less thought about the distance their favorite mug traveled to get to them, of all the mercury lurking in those grotesque CFL bulbs above their head, or who made the striped toe socks they are secretly wearing.

Less is More?

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Have you ever bought egg? Of course you have. So you know that in this process, there are at least six factors you have to decide about: brand, size of the egg, size of the package, if you want organic eggs, if you want raw or boiled ones, and if you need complete egg or only white! Isn’t it great to have so many options?

Appropriate Fashion

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So, what is Appropriate Fashion? I wouldn’t say stop buying anything, even though it is still the very important to ask how many clothes do we consume and what should we do with leftovers after the massive manufacturing. However, there are many ways to solve this problem through systemic thinking or service design thinking.

What’s First?

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Note: No animals were harmed during this reflection process. I recently finished the first phase of research for designing a collaborative system that allows participants…

When two approaches are better than one

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I teamed up with Minuette Le for round two of exploring the visual audit for our design-led research class. This was our second and final…

Wish you were here… Greetings of the past for the future

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How can we use memory to construct a shared future view, leading to action? The next question is – whose memories do we hope to…

Sensing the City

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A visual audit can be performed across a specific ideology, environmental signifier, organizational culture, or even a specific human behavior. Designers often use visual research…

Gathering Qualitative Data through the Unexpected

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Intro: The Transdisciplinary Studio has been informed that there might be a strong possibility that next year our studio space might be moving…and it would…

Wrap Your Mind Around It

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You know those moments in cartoons when a character has an epiphany and a light bulb pops up in a cloud above their head? I…

Narratives of Complexity

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Our design led research project has given us the opportunity to reflect on transdisciplinary design both as a mode of thinking and as a collaborative…