Friday Guest Speaker: Anne Kjaer Riechert

Join us online this Friday, April 20 (11am EST) to welcome special guest speaker – Anne Kjaer Riechert
Zoom link: NewSchool.zoom.us/j/663294829
Anne Kjær Riechert is the Co-founder & CEO of ReDI School of Digital Integration – a non-profit digital school for tech-interested newcomers applying for asylum in Germany. It offers its students high-quality training and the chance to collaborate with the start-up and digital industry. ReDI’s aim is to provide students with valuable digital skills and a strong network of tech leaders, students + alumni to help create new opportunities for all.
Ms SDM Co-director, Raz Godelnik, has been working with Anne and the ReDI School (where he taught last summer) on a number of projects. This conversation will be an opportunity to explore questions related to design thinking and entrepreneurship in a non-profit context, focusing on addressing refugee life challenges.
Anne Kjær Riechert – Co-founder & CEO ReDI School of Digital Integration
Anne is a 2006 graduate from KaosPilot in Denmark, a hybrid of a business and a design school. From 2006-2009, she worked as a corporate social responsibility consultant. In that capacity, she developed and implemented Samsung Electronics’ award-winning corporate social responsibility strategy for Scandinavia. In July 2010, Anne moved to Japan, where she spent 2 years researching open social innovation and received the prestigious Rotary Peace Fellowship. In 2012, she moved to Berlin to set up the Berlin Peace Innovation Lab, in collaboration with Stanford University. The lab focuses on how technology is facilitating emerging and measurable social change toward global peace. In 2015, in response to the refugee crises, Anne co-founded ReDI School of Digital Integration, a vocational training program teaching programming and tech skills to asylum seekers. In 2016 Anne was recognised by Capital Magazine as “Young Elite – Top 40 under 40” in Germany.
Anne’s talk on hacking the refugee crisis at TEDxBerlinSalon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=31&v=wz0mlDELSo0
ReDI School of Digital Integration – ReDI School of Digital Integration was founded in 2015 by a team convinced that technology can break down barriers and bring people together to build new solutions to old problems. The idea of ReDI was sparked by the insight that amongst the refugee population there are incredible talents eager to learn and eager to contribute, who could help fill the 43.000 open IT jobs in Germany. From the beginning, ReDI has been developed through co-creation between the Berlin tech community and the ReDI students. The aim is to provide students with valuable digital skills and a strong network of tech leaders, mentors and alumni to help create new opportunities for all. ReDI is a non-profit social enterprise offering several 3-months IT-programs, creative workshops, tech-talks, innovation projects as well as short term summer courses. ReDI has also helped to incubate 3 start-ups.