[GPIA] UNSS and IFP Info Session on January 23
Join the International Field Program and United Nations Summer Study information session on Monday, January 23 at 3 pm. The session will be held in person (72 5th Ave, 7th floor, lounge area).
The International Field Program (IFP) extends learning beyond the classroom, giving students first-hand exposure to a range of perspectives, ideas, and people through orientation, field trips, guest speakers, internships, and faculty-supervised projects and research. The 2023 IFP destinations are Cuba, the Balkans, Ethiopia, and Palestine.
United Nations Summer Study (UNSS) provides graduate and undergraduate students and continuing education professionals with knowledge and skills for understanding the United Nations system, and offers preparation for international and journalism careers.
In the information session, you will have a chance to meet the UNSS and IFP directors, Peter Hoffman and Mark Johnson, and ask questions about the programs, important deadlines, and application process.
Apply before the priority deadlines:
IFP: Sunday, January 29
UNSS: Wednesday, February 15