AI for design researchers 2023

July 25, 2023

Our research and strategy development aim to address the challenges and frustrations faced by design strategists and researchers in conducting interviews. Through our design research process, we identified several key areas where innovation and improvement were needed and based on the research and insights over the year, we have developed an MVP of our startup idea. .

The main innovation and opportunity we identified is integrating cutting-edge AI technology into the interview process. We recognized that the shift towards online communication has led to a loss of human connection during virtual interviews, making it difficult for design strategists to fully understand respondents’ emotions and extract valuable insights. Additionally, the manual work involved in transcribing, analyzing, and visualizing interview data posed a significant barrier to design scalability and efficiency.

The purpose of our project is to empower design strategists by providing them with a platform that streamlines the interview process and enhances their workflow. Our solution, Ripple, leverages AI technology to automatically detect and measure respondents’ emotional expressions, providing in-depth summaries instantly after each interview. It eliminates the time-consuming manual work by generating interview transcripts and transforming patterns into meaningful data. Furthermore, it supports the creation of various strategy artifacts such as personas, journey maps, and sentiment analysis.

If successfully implemented, this project would have a significant impact on design strategy. Strategists would be able to conduct more human and insightful interviews, focusing on the creative aspects rather than tedious manual tasks. The integration of AI technology would enable them to extract valuable insights from emotional cues and generate visualizations that facilitate data-driven decision-making. Ultimately, this would enhance the quality and efficiency of design strategy, leading to more informed and impactful strategic design outcomes.


Studio Instructor
Brett Barndt

Natia Gogotidze
Tako Sulakvelidze