Labs & Research

January 11, 2022

These design labs, centers, and institutes across The New School provide the opportunity for students to participate in and shape the innovative and seminal work for which the university is known. Many of these institutes are related and adjacent to the Parsons School of Design Strategies and the Masters of Science in Strategic Design and Management. Below is a selection of these labs with pages linked:


  • Deed Lab – A research laboratory committed to modeling more sustainable and equitable ways for artisans and designers to collaborate.

  • Design for Social Innovation and Sustainability Lab (DESIS) – An action research laboratory working at the intersection of strategic and service design, management, and social theory, applying interdisciplinary expertise in problem setting and problem solving to sustainable practices and social innovation.

  • Entrepreneurial Lab (ELab) – A design-driven incubator and business lab dedicated to entrepreneurship practice and research at The New School.

  • The Graduate Institute for Design, Ethnography, and Social Thought (GIDEST) – Incubates transdisciplinary ethnographic research at the intersection of social theory, art, and design and fosters dialogue on related themes across the university. 

  • Healthy Materials Lab (HML)  – A design research lab dedicated to a world in which people’s health is placed at the center of all design decisions.

  • Impact Entrepreneurship Venture Lab – Designed to support graduate students and upper-level undergraduates at The New School in developing financially sustainable ventures that address critical societal challenges and demonstrate the potential for scalable impact.

  • Tishman Environment and Design Center – A research lab addressing the increasingly urgent need to integrate design and environment to confront climate change and its social impacts.

  • XRC Labs – An innovation accelerator for the next generation of disruptors in the retail technology and consumer goods sectors.


For a more complete list of labs, centers, and institutes across The New School, visit this page.