Call for Contributions to the Temes de Disseny Journal #39
Shared by MS SDM faculty, Mariana Amatullo:
call for contributions to the Temes de Disseny Journal #39 Emerging Habitats: Design as WorldMaking Agent
Deadline for Abstracts September 29, 2022
About the Journal
Temes de Disseny (Topics on Design, hereinafter TdD, in its Catalan acronym) started in 1986 as one of the first design local journals. It was created with the goal of being a knowledge transfer channel between design professionals, pedagogues and scholars. TdD aims to bring together knowledge generated by experts from multiple disciplines, who study design from distinct points of view. Each journal edition intends to approach specific topics related to design, such as: design methodologies; innovation through design; indoor spaces and objects shapes; transmedia and macro- trends; design, food and health; visual communication or industrial design, among others. The 34th issue of the journal was the first step towards transforming TdD in an open access, peer reviewed, indexed journal that locals and foreign designers can use to share their knowledge at an international level. Temes de Disseny is currently indexed in: Carhus Plus+, CrossRef, Dialnet, DOAJ, ERIH PLUS, Google Scholar, Latindex Catalog, REDIB, Scopus.