Transdisciplinary Design


The Eyes of Technology

| Parsons

The Transdisciplinary Design program is made up of intangibles, where time is our medium. Coming into the program with a Fine Arts background, I understand…

A World Free of Poverty?

| Parsons

If you have spent any time following this blog, you have most certainly run across Herbert Simon’s quote on the nature of design and the designer, where he posits “everyone designs who devises courses and actions aimed at changing existing situations into preferred ones… design so construed, is the core of all professional training.” But what if the practitioner does not acknowledge that s/he is designing? Or, that s/he is even a designer?

Responsibility // Designers and Clients of a System

| External Partnerships

  Although some young adults practice responsible financial decisions, there is a growing young community lacking the financial literacy to take on new, intensive, and…

What will you be after you graduate?

| Parsons

I moved to New York City from Jeddah, Saudi Arabia two months ago. I would say, that was the hardest transition in my life. It…

A Digital Renaissance

| Parsons

“It used to be, you didn’t become an artist just to become rich, you became an artist, because you had an idea or emotion to share, and that’s where we’re heading again.” Seth Godin, Writer

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Access to Tools.

| Parsons

The Milky Way. I think it’s safe to say that those of you reading this know what that is. Furthermore, you’ve probably even seen photos…

Will globalization extinct cultural diversity?

| Parsons

Three weeks ago, I was in a small city called Kuching in Malaysia. A local friend that I just met took me to a well-known…

Eskimo Kisses

| Parsons

‘Eskimo Kisses’ is a mechanism with a small crank handle that is connected to a simple system of gears and rivets. They turn out the gentle wiggling movement of a felt wad that gently rubs the nose of its user. For me, the mechanics and the poetics of this piece resemble a dichotomy in design.

Storytelling & Design

| Parsons

I recently went to a storytelling event hosted by a 12-year-old. – Quite a risky move for a trendy downtown theater.  The seasoned audience, being…

Design For A Change

| Parsons

  Many traits of human intelligence, such as knowledge, empathy,rational thought, theory of mind, rituals, language and the use of symbols and tools, have shaped…