Transdisciplinary Design


Social media, design and communication

At the end of this month, Taiwanese citizens will vote on 10 referendums. As a democratic country, the Taiwanese people will express their opinions on…

A choreography of the hands, creating patterns.

Weaving is neither secular nor religious; it is sensible. It performs and manifests the meaningful lived connections for sustaining kinship, behavior, relational action—for hózhó—for humans…

Improper Art

From the perspective of race, the reading “seven things you can do to make your art less racist” provides some instructions for artists. I agree…

Diving into the Past and Speculative Embodiment: African-American Design Thinking

Contemplating Speculative Design from African American history cracking open a possibility of how speculative design is perhaps already being embodied and practiced while also a created tool today.

Reflections of China surveillance and Blockchain

I am not sure how long I have been upset by the media reports, which raise my anxieties to a worse condition, such as the…

Micro-moments: Impact of Speculative Design

Sometimes I remind myself that I almost skipped that party, that I almost took a different train, that I almost spoke to that person, that…

The diversity of racial discrimination

The issue of racism has always been included in our book list, but it seems that there is no detailed discussion for this, at least…

Mental Health and the Microbiome: a tale of emergence

    Have you ever stared into the mirror with existential bewilderment wondering what you are made of? Understanding and capturing the essence of humaneness…