Transdisciplinary Design


Crafting language to create change

In “The White Savior Industrial Complex,” Teju Cole surfaces an unspoken challenge in voicing struggles surrounding oppression, discrimination, and racism: “there is an expectation that…

Music, Gender, and Agency

I’ll let you in on a secret: when I was looking for undergrad programs, I knew I wanted one thing. It wasn’t a certain major,…

How participatory methods from language learning could be applied to the educational model to provide bottom-up learning strategies

As Transdisciplinary designers, we strive to and encourage others to work using bottom-up strategies.  In this way, communities that we design for will have some…

Colonization, Globalization and Affinity

Since I became a Transdisciplinary Design student, I feel that everyday I have a new unanswered question that most of the times I cannot find…

Unlocking the Self to Great Design:

I previously talked about self-resonance as a lens to design something great. Now let me speak further about a great design I hope to see,…

Recursive Internets

In 1996, the United States Congress passed the Communications Decency Act, declaring it illegal to transmit “obscene, lewd, lascivious, filthy, or indecent” content over the internet. Obviously, this would not stand.

Do design interventions always have positive impacts upon the social system?

Do you think design interventions always have positive impacts upon the social system? Of course, all designers intend their projects to have positive impacts and…

Futuristic Design History?

Bosch, Hieronymus (1495-1505). The Garden of Earthly Delights. Museo del Prado, Madrid. Wickedness In the course of an imminent global catastrophe, how can we take a…