Transdisciplinary Design


Human Numbers

As this semester comes to an end, I’m left with the same feeling I always had after finishing a project back when I was an…

Good Intentions Do Not Always Do Good

  “In such attempts at pseudo merging and trans-feral we are only able, imperfectly darkly, to visualize ourselves. What would happen to us if we…

What’s my role as a designer??

Over the course of my first semester at Parsons I’ve been shaping my perspectives and points of view into becoming a better designer. It has also aided me into not taking seeing for granted.

Design as Political Practice

The question and the challenge for designers then becomes: how can you design within this disjuncture? How can you stand by your beliefs and commit yourself to a job everyday?

Home & Conflict

Northeast India has been a site of protracted ethnic conflicts, many of which take the form of armed insurgencies. The Indian State relies heavily on security-driven approaches to respond to protracted conflict in the region. These approaches fail to address the hegemony of divisive ethnic identity politics that have become endemic to the social fabric and are no longer questioned.

Is there sacred attention online?

On November 10, 2017 my friend Daniel died from a stomach virus that spread to and infected his heart. He was 31-years old. In reflecting…

What is the post-capitalist economy of care?

This past week, I attended the End Well Symposium in San Francisco, California along with New School faculty members, John Bruce and Patty Bierne, my…

Designing Food?

As the end of the semester is getting closer, I am just trying to go back and forth on everything I have learned in just…