Transdisciplinary Design


A first-person account of designing with the body

In talking about ‘becoming-with’1, that is the practice of multispecies worlding and recuperating, the difficulties perhaps manifest themselves in the possibilities of ‘how’—of pedagogical strategies…

Resetting: A How-To Guide to Start Anew Every 28 Days

A practice of reticence regarding women’s health strengthens the paradigmatic assumption that we’re in a stalemate, that regardless of the origin of any deviance in the “normal” cycle, whether or not it is cause for concern, it is what it is. It’s just a guess, but I would imagine that if men felt like shit for nearly a quarter of their lives there would be immeasurable research conducted to understand its causes, characteristics, and peculiarities to ensure, at the very least, a better quality of life.


In the pursuit of “innovative”, socially conscious design, much of the rhetoric relies on heavily assumptive ideas about labor, interconnectedness, and a universal “common good”…

Tackling with the trouble – as global issue, and individual issue

Natural Capitalism “We have lived by the assumption that what was good for us would be good for the world. We have been wrong. We…


“But all is not lost, because inside every single one of us is an Underminer, a free human being fighting to return kin and community to a connected state once more.”

yellowstone wolves

Wolves, Biomimicry, and Human Systems

In 1995, Yellowstone National Park embarked on a mission to reintroduce the gray wolf to the park’s ecosystem. Wolves had been hunted to the point…

Troubling Simulations; Wickedness

On November 9th, Magnus Carlsen of Norway and Fabiano Caruana, representing the United States, sat down in a soundproof booth at The College in Holborn in central London. A chess board sat on the table between them.

Journey of Huaqiang area

The north of Huaqiang area of Shenzhen city (abbreviated as Huaqiang), once known as the center of “Shanzhai” (a negative word created by Chinese public to…