Transdisciplinary Design


Imagination as Social Practice

| Featured

  “The imagination has become an organized field of social practices, a form of work (in the sense of both labor and culturally organized practice,)…

When to Say When

| Parsons

  “Hey isn’t this great, sushi in drug stores? Look at that selection. Gosh, Walgreens have really refined their taste, haven’t they?”   Every day…


| Parsons

I have six nieces and nephews.  Yes, I said six.  The oldest is five and the youngest is just four months.  Around Christmas time I…

Resilience Vs. Efficiency

| Parsons

A network is simply a set of interconnecting nodes; exchanges are made through connections between the nodes and these two elements form a larger system….

It All Starts with Small Changes

| Parsons

There are many skills and talents that are required to become a good designer, especially paying detailed attention. For many years, my habitual process of…

The Rise of Furnishing Public Wealth

| External Partnerships

“Why would any person choose to contribute – voluntarily – to a public good that she can partake of, unchecked, as a free rider on…

Up The Ante

| Parsons

So, I was going back and forth on writing on the subject of making money as a Designer.  Having a business background, it’s somewhat of…

The Problem With a Single Story

| Parsons

  “The single story creates stereotypes, and the problem with stereotypes is not that they are untrue, but that they are incomplete. They make one…

Calculating Value

| Parsons

It seems like almost every product I buy these days has a green leaf, an Energy Star, or a recycle triangle stamped on it. If…

Pruitt-Igoe: Asking the Wrong Questions

| Parsons

September 1945: another war was over, and St.Louis, a city like many others across the country, counted the costs. As life struggled to return to…