Transdisciplinary Design


Framing It

“I’ve often noticed that we are not able to look at what we have in front of us, unless it’s inside a frame.” – Abbas…

Can I Take a Day Off from Living in the Anthropocene?

In a rapidly changing world with a seemingly infinite amount of hugely complex, terribly destructive problems that need immediate solutions, I often find myself wondering…

the wicked problem within myself

I didn’t think much when I made the decision to move from Colombia to Canada with my partner. He just had gotten a job in…

‘AND’ not ‘OR’

I’ve gone through a world of change over the past couple of months, literally. Here I am in New York, a little over 7500 miles…

Trial and Error, Error, Error

Fly fishing in Montana is a year-round activity. Sun, rain, or snow, you can always catch folks throwing a line. In fact, I’ve caught some…

A Few Strokes of the Pen

Hello! Welcome! Grab a seat and settle in. Comfortable? Good. Now the telling begins.

learning to dance in a restless body

What does it mean to be situated here? In a city with endless perspectives and stories, ideas and projects changing the world, and a sense…

Ian Cheng. Emissary in the Squat of Gods. 2015. Live simulation and story.

Worlding through Simulation and Losing Control

Science fiction writers are often referred to as “world-builders” as they strive to construct an imaginary world in a fictional universe. [1] What exactly is…