Transdisciplinary Design


TD or not TD, that is the question (or not)

What are we learning here? What capabilities have we acquired in the past 10 weeks? Based on my experience so far, one of the capabilities…

How Large is the Spirit?

Open Interpretation, Missy Elliott & Me

reflections on becoming-with

“Do not think that time simply flies away. Do not understand “flying” as the only function of time. If time simply flew away, a separation…

He Showed Me I Was Capable

My Nana survived a brain aneurism when I was in elementary school.

Design as Symbolic Violence: How Far is Far Enough?

Kehinde Wiley (American, b. 1977). Napoleon Leading the Army over the Alps, 2005. Oil on canvas, 108 x 108 in. Collection of Suzi and Andrew…

turtle header image

Leaning In and Letting Go

This past year has been an exercise in leaning in and letting go. My reflex to help and solve and fix has left me burned…

How Kusama embodied Haraway

Looking at artificial works of art in nature, I was able to visualize Haraway’s discourse in Staying with the Trouble…

The Bullshit Design Job……?

Is design a bullshit job?