Transdisciplinary Design


Toto, I Don’t Think We’re In Kansas Anymore

Almost exactly a year ago, I made a life-changing decision. It was completely unexpected, in that I hadn’t expected myself to actually take the leap…

Speculative Fingerpainting

“For us futures are not a destination or something to be strived for but a medium to aid imaginative thought—to speculate with.” -Anthony Dunne &…

cliff header image

Seeking (Higher) Middle Ground

As the semester moves from “what” and “why” into “how”, I’m noticing that the great cliffs that separate me from where I am and where…

Our Inability to Stay Still

“Find a moment of stillness, give your heart a chance to tell you where you really need to be” – Dodinski A candle lighted up,…

The life and memory of the no living

It has been exactly 13 days since I moved into a new apartment in Bushwick. This is actually the thirteenth place that I have lived…


I saw KURT VONNEGUT: UNSTUCK IN TIME last week. They said he was unstuck in time. That he had seen it all, the before, the…

Design for Illusions or against Illusions

  How would you know the difference between the dream world and the real world? -Neo, The Matrix (1999)

Mapping my Procrastination with Systems Thinking

“Phone – check; mask – check; metro card – check; power bank – check” these are a few quick reminders I give to myself before…