Transdisciplinary Design


On design and disappointment

In 2013, I partook in a life-changing workshop called DESMEEM – Rethinking Design through Cross-Cultural Collaboration – which was the result of a collaboration between…

What is meaningful design?

Written by Ankita Roy “Design what is meaningful to people,” said Bruce Nussbaum in one of our recent debates situated within the context of design…

Good Design x Bad Design: What is The Role of a Designer in the 21st Century?

In a world where global population has doubled within the last generation to astonishing 7 billion people and we pull from natural resources more than…

Inside, Outside, Above and Below

Jeffrey Milstein, NYC 28 Stuyvesant, 2015, Benrubi Gallery Jeffrey Milstein, artist, architect, and designer, exposes us to the environments and spaces we spend most of our time…

Groceries and Social Innovation

In Design, When Everyone Designs: An Introduction to Design for Social Innovation, Ezio Manzini borrows the following definition of social innovation from Murray, Caulier-Grice, and Mulgan’s…

“Who are we to decide what’s best for them?” : 4 Guidelines for putting your privilege to good use

A few weeks back, during a class debate on ‘Thinking in Systems’, many of us agreed that Donella Meadows [1] provides us with a foundational…

Redesigning Design

When looking up the definition of the word “design” on, there are multiple definitions categorized into: verb (used with object and without object) and…

Ontological Futuring

While he glosses over the details and potentialities of ontological design, Jason Silva certainly does a good job of energizing the conversation around it. A…