Transdisciplinary Design


A Third Space beyond Either/Or: the power of blending and the end of the versus

Hank: The things I’ve seen, during the war, and at home. On the job. So much senselessness, violence, you know, and I got to thinking…

Design for the End of the World (As We Know It)

In the middle of the warmest December on record, 195 nations agreed on a blueprint for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The accords in Paris were…

Connecting dots: from self identity to social identity

  The world is running out of food; Climate change is getting more and more serious; ” number of people forcibly displaced at the end of…

Anti-capitalist Design

More than once over the semester our debates have crescendoed to a declaration that we should have let the banks burn in 2008. For many,…

What are we waiting to transform the way we live?

In this first semester at Parsons seemingly all conversations revolve around the future of our civilization, given that our systems are not sustainable and that…

Ford Assembly Line in 1913

Rethinking Efficiency and Productivity

Efficiency is commonly defined in the dictionary as “the ability to do something or produce something without wasting materials, time, or energy,” whereas productivity is…

birthday cake

Reframing Time: A New Clock for Social Innovation

One chilly Saturday afternoon this past February, I was walking with a friend of mine towards Kensington Market in the heart of downtown Toronto. As…

Multifaceted Being

Human Being: A man, woman, or child of the species Homo sapiens, distinguished from other animals by superior mental development, power of articulate speech, and…