Transdisciplinary Design


Mix Deck

Designing for Memory by Ángel López

One of my favorite jobs was a disc jockey (DJ). For six years I choreographed music for

Scale Matters: Local Interventions Towards Global Change

For anyone living in 2016, it is more than apparent that the world is in urgent need of radical change. It is distressing to see…

Why developing countries cannot afford generic, decontextualized design

In his article, “Is Humanitarian Design the New Imperialism?” Bruce Nussbaum explores the notion of humanitarian design or design in the international development context, and…

Working Towards the Future

Throughout history, people from different places and cultures have tried to imagine and describe how a perfect world should be like. Most of these ideas…

To be [a graphic designer], or not to be, that is the question

I studied five years to become a (graphic) designer. Five years that were available and shouted for possibilities to make me a complete designer. This…

Contributing to the future of New York City

“Design can play a significant role in broadening our conception of what is possible”[1] by acting as a medium for discussion around sociocultural problems. This…

Design and conflict transformation II: The future of management

What is the future of management in a rapidly changing world? What are the inherent tension points in contemporary models of leadership and organization? Where…


THE PLAUSIBLE “The actual limits of what is achievable depend in part on the beliefs people hold about what sorts of alternatives are viable.”[1] –…