Transdisciplinary Design


Social Dreaming & Compassion Technology in Design

“The industrial revolution that gave rise to modern capitalism greatly expanded the possibilities for the material development of humankind. It continues to do so today,…

Wild West

It is said, there are no fields that design hasn’t made an impact or touch at some point, from public policy to urban space but…

International development and design: an exploration of design principles

Designers are increasingly designing products, services, strategies and systems (hereafter referred to as solutions) that are responsive to an ever more complicated range of circumstances…

The role of the designer and transdisciplinarity as a way of seeing and being

Approaching the end of this first semester in the Transdisciplinary Design program at The New School, I would like to take a moment to think…

Community health leaders: the user is the expert

Colabora Salud is a social enterprise that we built with one sociologist, one nurse and three designers. We aims to collaboratively improve the public health…

A call to action: calling all experts.

This presidential election confused, infuriated, saddened and disheartened me. It made me reflect and question everything. Nothing seemed certain, but, I knew one thing: I…

Getting Messy: Welcoming Disaster in Transdisciplinary Design

What Is TransD As my first semester in the Transdisciplinary Design program comes to a close, I think I finally understand how to explain what…

Design as an enabling tool

On November 8th 2016, the Indian government in an unprecedented move, demonetized 500 and 1000 Rupee notes, (equivalent to $7.35 and $14.70) devaluing 86% of…