Transdisciplinary Design


Systems, Power, Anxiety, Dream

  Before reading Donella Meadow’s ‘Thinking in Systems’, I didn’t recognize how everything we see, design, interact with are perceived as systems and can be…

The Red Pill

“You take the blue pill, the story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red…

Clear understanding

Yes, the barriers of distance have been removed by technology, and communication is now easier and faster, but I believe that the assumption that we…


We love simplicity. As consumers, we love technologies that are simple—the telephone, the television; We love choices and processes that are simple—research says that users…

Where Do Designers Land?

My Unknowns in TransD As I approach the last hours of the last days of my first semester in Transdisciplinary design, I find myself mentally…

Empowering Design Scope

The world is constantly changing, reshaping, building itself, but most importantly, it is always merging across the different cultures and systems that composes it. As…

The Essential Missing Part

“A genuine change must first come from within the individual, only then can he or she attempt to make a significant contribution to humanity.” –…

Design as Facilitation.

I never expected to be writing about what designers should or should not do. In fact, I had never realized or acknowledged the extent of…