Transdisciplinary Design


Dog Walking Through Class Divisions in New York City

What if the hidden forces underlying growing class divides among New York City humans could be surfaced through a dog’s sense of smell?

The Harm of Corporate Design Thinking

My first foray into the design world was through design thinking workshops. Design thinking, as defined by the founder of IDEO Tim Brown is “a…

The Art of Keeping People Away

Once I heard about the idea of Hostile Design, I couldn’t help but notice it everywhere.

Figure 2. The “Post-Truth” Publication Where Chinese Students in America Get Their News. From The New Yorker

The systematic maladjustment generated by Chinese speed

You can always catch a sentence in Chinese newspapers that development is the first essential factor. The skyscraper built in a few months or the…

A Mysterious Case of Ordering a Lat-tay 

By Julia Szagdaj There are many struggles I imagined while moving to the United States as an international student but ordering a coffee with milk…

Practicing Design with/for the Hyperlocal.

Connecting local knowledge to Design Practice.   Design is to plan for the outcome, according to the Cambridge dictionary. But as I ponder upon the…

The Myth of Economics

Economics. The fabled art of money moves and Fox News spotlights. Talking heads who argue back and forth about GDP and “economic growth” and either…

Aesthetic Elitism as Symbolic Violence

This summer I made a pretty ugly zine. It took me about three full days of turning my bedroom into a total disaster zone of…