Transdisciplinary Design


Will The Real Sharing Economy Please Stand Up

The sharing economy has gotten a bad rap lately due to companies like Uber and Airbnb branding themselves as businesses that are rooted in the…

Making a Case for Hope

So much of what we see, consume, and create right now is bleak. And arguably, it’s not hard to see why. We are facing an…

Hopes & Dreams

“It is hard to say what today’s dreams are; it seems they have been downgraded to hopes—hope that we will not allow ourselves to become…

Learning in Stillness and Movement

First time I did Social Presencing Theatre (SPT), I fell in love.

Sublet Life In NYC

“Sublet (noun): property and especially housing obtained by or available through a sublease” [1] When I started searching for a place to live during my…

Correctional Emergence

Taking ants and the colony of ants as a study about social complexity and systemic behavior may be seen through observations of correctional communities

Un-lost in Translation

Is my uncle racist?
An incident that comes to mind is when my family met my to-be sister-in-law’s family. The two families belonged to two distinct social groups…

Systems of the flood control, infrastractures, and…

Last week a super typhoon Hagibis attacked East Japan. This typhoon, which was said as the biggest typhoon in the history of nature, caused serious…