Saturday, April 25, 2015 at 9:00 am to 9:00 pm

The Auditorium at 66 West 12th Street, Alvin Johnson/J.M. Kaplan Hall66 West 12th Street, New York, NY 10011

The Design Intelligence conference will be held April 25, 2015 at the New School will feature a panel discussion, skill-based workshops, and networking opportunities for both New School students and the greater design community. This year’s conference will be driven by the  question: What Can Design Intelligence Do? Through the immersive day-long experience we will explore these questions from various perspectives and sectors and through the course of the day have the opportunity to talk about design in the context of new economics, new models, and new work.

The second annual Design Intelligence Conference hosted by Strategic Design + Management will feature: 

10 – 11:00: Registration, Greetings and Light Breakfast

11:30 – 12:30: Panel Discussion

Design Intelligence: What can it do? Exploring the power of design thinking approaches across multiple sectors.
Overview: The session will focus on a discussion about design thinking and industry specific applications. There will be multiple panelists, each from a different sector and one to two student voices to have a conversation about how design thinking touches their work and the power of using this design intelligence when tackling complex issues across industries.

Panthea Lee: Founder + Principal, Reboot
Chelsea Mauldin: Executive Director, Public Policy Lab
Dr. Edward Rogoff: Lawrence N. Field Professor of Entrepreneurship and Department Chair; Academic Director, Lawrence N. Field Center for Entrepreneruship and Small Business, CUNY-Baruch
Randy Plemel, Design Lead, IDEO

12:30 – 1:15: Lunch

1:30 – 3:00: Workshop Sessions

Workshop 1: Cultural Design

Facilitated by Andrew Hutton, SDM ’14

Workshop 2: Design Intelligence for New Venture Design

Facilitated by Victor Angel, Co-founder N8 Innovation Studio, SDM ’14

Workshop 3: Role of Design Thinking in Technology

How do we converge the creativity of design with its functional role in enhancing business strategy? Technology enacts as the medium in which the role of design thinking impacts the process, providing business solutions that will innovate our global economy. Through the workshop, we will explore how to position client’s business challenges and how creative technology is used to unravel its complexities and build financially sustainable solutions.

Facilitated by Esther Ahn, SDM ’14

Workshop 4: Beyond the Brainstorm

The brainstorm is a heavily leaned upon “creative method” for soliciting ideas from groups. Often, however, once the brainstorm is finished the group does not have the tools, tactics, and methodologies to move beyond ideas. Using design thinking methodologies, we will practice ways to prioritize information, combine and build ideas, and have teams adopt a shared vision so that they can move toward action.

Facilitated by Karen Jackson, SDM ’15

3:00 – 3:30: Refreshments and Workshop recapitulations and displays

3:30 – 4:00 Keynote Speaker

Shawn Nelson Founder LoveSac, SDM ’15

4:00 – 4:30 Closing Statement by Program Director

4:30 – 5:30 Champagne Toast & Networking


More conference details can be found here!
RSVP and tickets here