Ezio Manzini, a leading thinker in design for sustainability, founded DESIS, an international network on design for social innovation and sustainability. He is Honorary Professor at the Politecnico di Milano, Chair Professor at University of the Arts London, and currently guest Professor at Tongji University, Shanghai, and Jiangnan University, Wuxi.

The lecture proposes an idea, a scenario and some courses of action.

The idea: People and communities should have the opportunity to design their lives, to do so in collaboration with others and, in so doing, achieve impactful results for themselves and society as a whole.

The scenario: A society in which this idea can be realized as a collaborative, design-based democracy that both enables and is animated by, a multiplicity of projects.

Courses of action: form the basis or foundation for the idea and scenario to be put into practice and begin with leveraging projects and initiatives that are already underway.

Friday, February 24th, 2017
11:00am to 1:00pm
Wolff Conference Room,
Albert and Vera List Academic Center
6 East 16th Street, 11th floor