Cities and Citizenship

A pervasive absence of decisive political action on climate change, despite a rich trove of knowledge about its potentially dangerous consequences since at least the 1970s, combined with the failure of successive global summits to reach adequate resolution affects us all. Where do design and environmentalism cross over to make an impact on these issues? Along with the scientific aspects of ecological design, we are interested to explore the intersection between design and the social sciences at large by explicating the concept of city and citizen in parallel. What is the relationship between city-making and citizenship? Can design provide new and richer tools for strengthening citizenship and advancing human rights and responsibilities? How can we test or evaluate our individual actions toward the built environment while becoming active participants, rather than passive consumers of the city? Can cities be modified or redesigned to address equity as well as sustainability?
This series of workshops and conference will explore these questions by facilitating dialogue between students, professionals, and activists from a variety of disciplines including architecture, design, sociology, and environmental studies.

Confirmed participants: Peder Anker, [History of Science, Gallatin School, NYU], Gianpaolo Baiocchi [Sociology, Gallatin School, NYU], Susannah Drake [Landscape Architect], Stephen Duncombe [Culture and Media, Gallatin School, NYU], Louise Harpman [Architecture, Gallatin School, NYU], Matthias Hollwich [Architect and Co-founder, HWKN], Natalie Jeremijenko [Fine Art, NYU], Colin Jerolmack [Environmental Studies, NYU], Mitchell Joachim [Architecture, Gallatin School, NYU], Andreas Kalyvas [Political Science, New School], Eric Klinenberg [Sociology, NYU], Brian McGrath [Architecture and Urban Design, Parsons], Miodrag Mitrasinovic [Architecture and Urbanism, New School], Mariana Mogilevich [Metropolitan Studies, NYU], Vyjayanthi Rao [Anthropology, New School], Eric Sanderson [Senior Conservation Ecologist at WCS], Susanne Schindler [Architecture, New School], Ioanna Theocharopoulou [Architectural History, Parsons], Tyler Volk [Biology and Environmental Studies, NYU], Lynnette Widder [Architecture, Earth Institute, Columbia University].