MSDUE Class of 2019–
Lecturer and Researcher at Wageningen University, The Netherlands.

Claudia graduated in Environmental and Climate Sciences (BSc) from the Amsterdam University College before attending Parsons. She graduated from MSDUE in 2019. She is an avid environmental scientist and is very much interested in the intersections of justice and environmental and climate change. During her bachelor she focused more on multispecies justice, working on habitat creation for pollinators in urban environments. During her graduate studies, she shifted her focus to environmental justice.

Claudia is currently a Lecturer and Researcher at the Department of Landscape Architecture and Spatial Planning at Wageningen University in the Netherlands. She continues to do research on environmental justice in the Netherlands, a topic she started to engage with during her MSDUE thesis. She combines teaching various courses at the university with doing her PhD research on the demographic and spatial patterns of environmental injustice in the Netherlands.

Claudia writes: “In the Netherlands, environmental problems are often merely approached as technological challenges without taking their societal implications into account. My work on environmental justice challenges Dutch institutions, reaching from universities to municipal governments and local organizations, by giving them a new lens to look at the intersections of societal and environmental inequalities.

The MSDUE program provided me with an understanding of the need of clear and accessible communication when it comes to urban issues. Not only using clear language when working with communities, but also using data visualizations and maps to distill multi-layered problems into more accessible tools. The most useful lesson I learned was to work closely with my peers to create a strong mutual learning experience. I would not have learned half of the skills I know now if I hadn’t been able to learn firsthand from my peers.”

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